Git and Github Cheatsheet

Discover the key differences between Git and GitHub in this comprehensive guide. Learn how Git handles version control, while GitHub offers collaboration and hosting features for developers. Perfect for beginners!

Sandip Sapkota

Wed, Sep 25, 2024

2 min read

What is Git?

Git may be a free and open source conveyed adaptation control framework outlined to handle everything from little to exceptionally expansive ventures with speed and proficiency. Adaptation control framework could be a system that records changes to a record or set of records over time so that you simply can review particular forms afterward. Not at all like a central VCS, a conveyed VCS has both inaccessible and nearby stores. As a result, it does not require the reinforcement.


  1. Download Git from here

  2. Enter Configuration Values:

    git config --global "firstName lastName"

    – your name

    git config --global ""

    – your email

  3. Check Your Settings:

     git config --list


To open a manual and display information about Git:

 git help -a


 git help --all

– shows a list of all available commands

 git help config

– explains how to use the Git verb, in this case,

 git help -g


 git help --guide

– shows a list of Git guides

New Repository

To create a New Repository:

 git init

To clone a Remote Repository:

 git clone /Url/
Staging Area

To add / propose changes:

 git add /file/

To add everything:

 git add .

To remove:

 git reset /file/


To commit changes:

 git diff

– shows the changes made

 git commit -m "Detailed message explaining the nature of changes"

To push changes to remote repository:

 git pull origin master
git push origin master


Git project consists of three main sections:

  1. Working Directory

  2. Staging Area / Index

  3. HEAD

Three main states of files:

  1. Committed

  2. Modified

  3. Staged


A Git branch is a movable pointer to the commits. The default branch is called master.

To create a new branch:

 git checkout -b newBranch

To remove a branch:

 git branch -d newBranch

To go back to master:

 git checkout master

To push to the remote repository:

 git push origin /branch/

To merge a branch to current branch:

 git merge /branch/


To see the commit that was just made:

 git log

The message, author, email, and other additional information will be displayed.

Git Checkout

 git checkout -- /file/


 git fetch origin

– to cancel all the commits implemented locally